Main Benefits of Premium DNS 

It’s thrilling to upgrade to Premium DNS! Because of this, it’s critical to understand what makes a service like that truly outstanding. So let’s move on and go through it a little bit more, what to expect, and what the primary advantages of using a paid DNS service are.

What is Premium DNS?

Premium DNS is a fantastic, powerful DNS solution that DNS hosting companies offer. It has sophisticated DNS settings that especially enhance the safety, efficiency, and dependability of your website.

You get more of everything with Premium DNS. This implies that you can make use of more DNS servers and DNS zones. And that’s not all! You have the power and access to useful tools that let you better control website traffic and enhance its overall effectiveness.

The loading speed will significantly improve shortly after you begin using it, and it will also provide improved uptime, protection, and even better SEO.

If your business cannot afford downtime, Premium DNS service should be seriously considered. Any kind of website can use this form of DNS service. Even tiny businesses may make a lot of money using it. So be sure to consider adopting this service if the quantity of your visitors is increasing.


Both novices and experts can benefit from premium DNS’s many features.

Let’s investigate them!

Premium DNS is easy to use. 

DNS (Domain Name System)-related operations like configuration and maintenance are regarded as being a little bit complicated. However, Premium DNS provides resources that make it easier to control. Not every component will require independent configuration from you. Typically, this service offers a user-friendly control panel with an interface that guides you through the process of creating DNS zones, updating or adding DNS records, finding new sites to obtain redundancy, etc.

Improved performance.

The best Premium DNS service providers have a large number of strategically placed DNS servers available to their customers. You can then take use of as many PoPs (Points of Presence) as you need. A strong infrastructure like this ensures greater performance for your company and speeds up things like your domain’s loading time.

It guarantees higher uptime.

Multiple points of presence (PoPs) provided by Premium DNS lower the likelihood of unwelcome downtime. Such vast networks can handle the tremendous traffic and balance the load even in the worst-case situation, where a cyberattack is launched against you. Your website will still be accessible to your customers. As a result, there is very little chance of suffering significant financial losses.

Premium DNS boosts your security.

You can use this service to apply various security measures and safeguard your network. There are several options, including DNSSEC support, DDoS defence, ongoing monitoring, and many more.

Premium DNS allows scalability when needed.

Unexpected growth could happen to you, and that is fantastic! However, you can move quickly and add resources as needed when unforeseen, larger needs arise. You can promptly respond to your company’s genuine needs with a Premium DNS solution.

It is cost-effective. 

To afford all those machines and their ongoing upkeep on your own would be quite expensive if you want the redundancy that several PoPs give you. You have that chance, as well as access to cutting-edge tools and a team of professionals who can help you with any questions or problems, thanks to providers of Premium DNS hosting. A monthly or annual rate is far less expensive than paying for the full infrastructure.

Free DNS services are your best option if pricing is your only consideration. You must remember, too, that their infrastructure and features are more constrained.

Premium DNS offers a guarantee. 

When it comes to dealing with failures, that is a huge advantage. You can rely on the supplier to address any problems arising from it. Additionally, high-quality services have a formal 100% uptime SLA guarantee (service level agreement).

Premium DNS includes special features.

You can obtain more DNS zones and records, load balancing techniques, 24/7 professional support, millions or an endless number of inquiries, and more.

Where can you find Premium DNS?

On the market, there are numerous DNS hosting companies. But not all of them can offer such an amazing quality-price ratio. Without a doubt, ClouDNS is a top option in this field. The business provides a strong Anycast architecture with well-placed PoPs and an incredible array of services. Additionally, based on your unique requirements, you can select one of the Premium DNS plans. Premium DNS M, their most popular package, gives you access to all of the following:

  • 34 PoPs (Points of Presence) (Points of Presence)
  • 3500 DNS Records, 75 DNS zones, and Anycast DNS
  • Any number of DNS requests each month
  • 150 forwarding of mail
  • 2 tests for DNS Failover & Monitoring
  • Additional DNS
  • Using DNSSEC Dynamic
  • more fundamental and extensive features, reverse DNS, and

It is impressive that Premium M is available for only $4.95 per month. Start with a 30-day free trial and get in touch with ClouDNS customer service any time of the day or night if you have any questions.


Any firm, regardless of size, might use Premium DNS as a service. This is due to the large number of features it provides, which provide better uptime, security, and speed. In addition, using it is far simpler than creating and maintaining your own DNS infrastructure. So give it a shot and see for yourself how useful a service like that can be!

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